Monday, August 3, 2015

Bunnies Bunnies Bunnies

I think its safe to say I have jumped on the homesteaders band wagon!  We now have acquired some New Zealand meat rabbits.  The only problem is I have never had rabbit meat or know how to cook it.  But they are so cute im not sure they will become food for our family but rather more pets.   But I also said I would not drink goat milk and now well that is about all we drink.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Home Canned Green Beans, baby goats, and sunflowers!

So we ate our fist cans of home grown and canned green beans!  Im so excited they were yummy!!  The KIDS even liked them!  Differently have to pack larger jars next time the pint ones were not enough ( shocking!)   I just boiled them on the stove till hot drained them and put butter on them then back on the stove till the butter melted!  My favorite way to make them easy and Yummy!  We had them with home grown T-bone steak from mt daughters show steer.  It was a great home grown meal! 

Then we get up this am and Wade and the kids go out to feed the cows and goats  and my oldest finds one of the show doe's dead.  She was fine last night and gone this am.  It really makes you think how fragile life is.  She had a doeling less then a month ago and now its up to us to raise her.  Its always hard for the kids when an animal passes but they understand that we as livestock owners have to pick up and carry on because there are several other animals counting on us.  

And because pretty flowers make me happy I will leave you with some pictures of my Sunflowers that are growing out back. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Fresh food

I hope everyone had a relaxing Sunday!  Today has been a busy day for us!  We had planned to get and head off to church this morning but I could hardly move my back hurt so bad.  At about two this afternoon I finally had to go out side because our last puppy from our most recent litter was leaving and I had to meet the new owners.   Then once they left one thing led to another and after we went it Mons to pick up the kids, I recited it would be fun ( and a good idea) to try freezing and canning some veggies I have.   So wash and cut....for hours.   Then I get my brand new pressure cooker out  (so excited). But what I did not realize it it would take forever!   OMG. Its after midnight and I'm still waiting for it to let me take the jars out of it.  There is only six lonely jars of green beans in the thing really over and hour?!?!?!?!?   I have they are the best green beans ever!  So I hope your Sunday has been relaxing!   Till next time, Stephanie

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Sorry I have been away for so long I have missed all of our followers and hope to reconnect with you soon!   We are currently revamping and will be back to crafting soon!!!   We are also getting into more of a homesteaders life style and will be adding that to our blog.  I hope you enjoy theses changes.   Things we will be adding will include: 
  • Raising goats for meat and dairy
  • Raising cattle
  • Raising kids
  • Crafts with unique style and bling
  • Gardening
Needless to say I have been busy!